Chapter One :Chapter 1

Remember the first time you had sex?

Sweat cooled the insides of the palm turning the fingers cold. The heart thudded like it would burst out of the rib cage or beat so hard that it would forget to beat. The throat ran dry and every swallow turned into an audible gulp. It was mandatory to put on the 'cool dude' air, yet nothing could be done about the breath which escaped in erratic patterns.

The mind tried its best to assert logical expertise. Rapid flowcharts swam in front of an magical inner eye. If you do this, then the reaction could be this or that. If the reaction is this then move to step 2 else proceed to step 1a. Hormones blurred these sensible charts and the body switched to automatic. A touch was responded with another touch. The sensible part of the brain tried to struggle through the gathering fog to remind you to do everything right. There can only be one first time. Whether it turned out to be your worst nightmare or made every other dream pale in comparison, the 'first time' always stayed with you.

Racing to me is like sex. For the first time. Everytime.

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